3e infrared

About Us

About us

Three Electrons Infrared (3EIR) was established in 2021 and founded by two industry veterans, one with engineering expertise designing lasers and the other specializing in night vision optics. They combined their talents to create products designed to meet the needs of the night vision community. Their focus is product innovation and engineered ergonomics. Innovation is achieved by researching and implementing the latest technological advancements. Utilizing 3D prototyping, they bring quality, American made lasers quickly to market.

Tremendous attention has been spent designing the user interface. The mode selector switch is intuitive and can be operated in complete darkness. Switching laser modes was made simple so that, under stress, the user can rapidly change laser modes to their desired setting. The activation button is placed center rail, so it is both ambidextrous and compatible with a c-clamp grip. Additionally, the 3EIR products never interfere with day optics. The DIR-V maximum height is just .6 inches above the rail. The DIR-one is a mere .4 inches above the rail.

3EIR understands that compatibility equals flexibility. A standard picatinny rail mount, made by Arisaka Defense, is included. For users with specialized needs, an industry standard CRANE plug is available on all models of the Designate IR lasers.

Flexibility extends to our 1, 2, and 3 beam pricing options. Starting at just $649, 3EIR introduced the DIR-one. This single beam model offers quality and affordability in a complete aiming solution. The DIR-V, three beam model, offers the user the best experience at a competitive price.

What We Do

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3eir is located at:

1420 E Roseville Pkwy, Ste 140-321 , Roseville, CA – 95661, USA

3eir is located at:


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